The Venus MP2 Skin tightening treatment stimulates the formation of new collagen and boosts the production of new elastin fibres and fibroblasts. The result? Skin that is visibly firmer, tighter and younger-looking. Lines are plumped out and the jawline, neck and facial contours lifted and sculpted.
Venus Viva Diamond Polar is a quick, non-surgical Radio Frequency treatment that is highly effective in tightening and contouring the skin. It is a non-invasive, virtually pain-free procedure that creates enough thermal effect on the skin to induce collagen remodeling.
Non-surgical radio frequency (Venus MP2 Skin tightening treatment) rejuvenate the appearance of skin by safely and comfortably heating the tissue under the skin’s surface. This triggers the natural production and tightening of collagen and elastin, the key building blocks of healthy, youthful skin.
Read our blog for more ways to stimulate collagen.
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Treatments starting from R800.