
Before I found Durban Laser clinic I had the worst acne I’ve ever experienced. This was a result of having cystic acne after stopping the pill and taking a 6 month course of 40mg Prescription acne medication. Whilst on the Prescription acne medication my skin broke out even more before it got better which resulted in horrible pink acne scarring and dark under eye and upper lip pigmentation. When I finished the course I tried every treatment imaginable from peels to microdermabrasion and used every cream that had been recommended to me. Being a personal trainer and fitness model I need to look good all the time and having to plaster on so much make up to hide my imperfections has caused so many issues where I will not even go swimming in case the make-up runs and someone might see my scars and pigmentation. Eventually as a last resort and having spent so much money trying to ‘fix’ my skin I found Durban Laser Clinic. I am totally amazed at the results after only just 3 Fractional laser treatments. I now wear less makeup and don’t feel as self-conscious as I once did. My skin has become so tolerant to the laser treatment that we can put the settings up every time resulting in better results after every treatment. I am so happy and elated that I have finally found the right treatment to totally rid me of these horrible scars and pigmentation and cannot thank Marinda from Durban Laser clinic enough for giving me my confidence back!

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