Remembering My Late Twin Sister!

As the month of October embraces Breast Cancer Awareness, I wanted to take a moment to share a personal story that has greatly impacted my life. It is a story of immense love, loss, and resilience – the story of my beloved twin sister, Marietjie.

10 years ago, my sister started experiencing tremendous fatigue and was misdiagnosed  and treated for menopause. A year later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a devastating moment for me and for our entire family, as we watched her face the challenges of this formidable disease. Throughout her journey, she showed remarkable strength and unwavering determination, serving as an inspiration to us all.

Marietjie approached her battle with breast cancer with courage and determination. Her dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of others, was truly remarkable

After 5 years of medical treatment she lost her life to this disease and left me with a hole in my heart. Although my hearts is still heavy with sorrow from her passing, I find solace in knowing that her legacy lives on. In memory of my dear sister, I have taken it upon myself to actively support breast cancer awareness initiatives. Through education and emotional support, I strive to make a difference and honor her indomitable spirit.

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I encourage each and every one of you to join me in honoring those affected by breast cancer. By spreading awareness, we are empowering individuals with the knowledge to detect it early on and supporting those who are fighting against it.

I would therefore urge you to go for your yearly examinations and mammograms. Early detection gives you a chance of a good outcome.

I am immensely grateful to have you as clients, and I wanted to share this personal story with you to highlight the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and remind you to go for your mammograms. By coming together , we can spark change and support those affected by this disease.

Together, let’s make a difference and remember those who have fought and continue to fight bravely.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Marinda Steyn

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